b'Idaho National Laboratory is part of the DOE national laboratory complex and is the nations lead nuclear energy research laboratory. INL experts helped select the site location on which UAMPS has proposed building the SMR plant. INL also is assisting with other technical aspects of the project, including modeling and simulation of SMR components and systems. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission is an independent agency created byCongress to ensure the safe use of radioactive materials for beneficial civilian purposes while protecting people and the environment. The NRC regulates commercial nuclear power plants and other uses of radioactive materials, suchas nuclear medicine, through licensing, inspection and enforcement. Energy Northwest is a Washington state public power agency that owns andoperates a diverse mix of clean energy resources, including the ColumbiaGenerating Station nuclear energy facility in Richland. Energy Northwest hasthe option to operate the Carbon Free Power Project for UAMPS.Did you know?NuScale offers different cooling options so that its technology can be usedplaces where water is scarce. NuScale estimates its water-cooled plants would consume no more than740 gallons per megawatt hour, well within the water usage range ofconventional thermal power plants.7'