b'O V E R V I E W O F T H E L A B O R A T O R Y P L A N 2 0 1 9I N T E G R AT E D E N E R G Y S Y S T E M SR eliance on fossil energy and risinga microgrid scenario and for industry pressure to maintain a clean andprocesses, transportation systems, and stable environment with adequatecertain residential/commercial uses. The water resources make it a priority toU.S. can maximize the economic viability find solutions to reduce environmentaland generated revenues of these energy impact. Innovative technology andresources by leveraging each through advances in energy generation sources,interconnection, diversity of energy storage, and delivery are needed toend users, and incorporation of energy support an increasing desire to decreasestoragesubsequently creating a environmental impact via reducedcompetitive niche for U.S. industry and emissions, reduced water use, andallowing the market for nuclear energy production of clean water resources.to expand beyond the baseload.Nuclear reactors produce energy in aEfficiently capturing and distributing variety of forms, including radiation,nuclear-generated thermal energy for thermal, and electrons (via powerpower generation or direct useincluding conversion), all of which could bethe use of currently wasted low-grade used to provide energy for the grid or 14'