b'O V E R V I E W O F T H E L A B O R A T O R Y P L A N 2 0 1 9U N I V E R S I T Y PA R T N E R S H I P SS trategic university partnershipspipelines with key national, regional, and allow INL to fill research gaps, andinternational universities and technical build new capabilities and thecolleges. To address the distinctive talent talent pipeline to sustain and enableneeds for advanced nuclear reactor innovative RD&D for the nation. INLstechnologies, clean energy, cyber-university research collaborationsphysical systems, and the specialized foster an entrepreneurial spirit,RD&D conducted at INL, the Laboratory promote creativity, and spur interactiveinfluences curricula that support these cultural and scientific exchanges.esteemed institutions in developing the These collaborations strengthen talentnext generation of top-tier talent.S P OT L I G H TSINLs NUC members, North Carolina State University, Oregon State University, The Ohio State University, University of New Mexico, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, are institutions with national excellence in nuclear engineering research. The consortium furthers the nations clean energy goals through research and development aligned to INLs S&T initiatives. For more information on NUC, visit https://inl.gov/inl-initiatives/education/nuc/CAES is a research, education, and innovation consortium among INL, Boise INL leads the Center for Thermal Energy Transport under IrradiationState University, Idaho State University, University of Idaho, and University of (TETI), in which NUC member The Ohio State University is a partner. An $11 million DOE Energy Frontier Research Center, TETI brings together anWyoming. Activating the world-class research assets at INL in combination with internationally recognized team of experimentalists and computational material theorists to develop an understanding of thermal transport inthe research universities allows CAES to solve regional energy challenges with a advanced nuclear fuels. global impact. For more information on CAES, visit https://caesenergy.org/CAES ability to leverage the collective expertise, diversity, capabilities, INL is leveragingand facilities of its members is demonstrated through the CAES Summer Visiting Faculty Program. In its first full year, the program paired 18 internships and postdocsfaculty members with INL researchers, allowing them to learn the inner workings of a national laboratory while developing a joint-funded as importantelements ofresearch proposal. The goal of this program is to enable the creation of sustainable research networks for future collaboration, which is a university partnerships tocritical outcome of the refreshed CAES strategy.fill its talent pipeline. Over the last five years, 74% of regular postdocs, 100% of distinguished postdocs, and roughly 10% of interns from institutions across the globe transitioned to be regular employees of INL.21'