b'O V E R V I E W O F T H E L A B O R A T O R Y P L A N 2 0 1 9L A B A T A G L A N C EF Y 2018 was a remarkable year for INLFY 2018 Human Capitalin advancing innovation and creating4,500 full-time equivalent employeesimpact, and this trend is expected to continue in FY 2019 and 2020.29 joint facultyPhysical Assets 122 facility users569,180 acres and 540 real property17 visiting scientistsassets (DOE owned assets that areFY 2018 Lab Operating Cost: $1,089Moperating or standby) Total DOE/National Nuclear Security 2.3 million gross square footage (GSF)Administration (NNSA) Costs: $821Min owned operating buildings, 9,609Strategic Partnership Projects (SPP) GSF in operational standby buildings (Non-DOE/Non-DHS): $212MReplacement Plant Value: $5.6 billion Cooperative Research and Development (DOE owned assets) Agreement (CRADA): $10M20,363 GSF in three excess facilities Total DHS Costs: $47M1 million GSF in leased facilities SPP % of Lab Operating Costs: 24.7%NNSA - 4 11 228 262 288 DOE EnergyMaterial MgmtNNSAEfficiency &Minimization2018 R&D2018 R&DRenewable Energy100 Awards 100 Finalists DOE Other$50$2515 31 FY-16 FY-17 FY-18 DOE Inter-Lab$23$39PostdocsInterns (BEA andDOE Other$25transitioned toexternally funded)Number of Publications Site Contechnical researchtransitioned to regular, $50staff in FY-18subcontract or project hires in FY-1823 68 71 103 DHS$47New Licensing Agreement Partners in FY-18 30 31 33 32 DoD$62 FY-18 costs by funding source 327 FY-16 17 FY-17 21 in millions of dollarsFY-18Active Licenses Invention Disclosure Records/Software Disclosure Recordsin FY-18 Patents IssuedPatent Applications Specific $966 13 186 53 Manufacturing $22CapabilityDistinguishedGraduateUndergraduateActive nonfederal SPPs Postdocs FellowsStudents and Technical ServiceSPP Non-Fed$42Selected Agreementsin FY-1848 92 19 23 Other Fed $164SPPPostdocs GraduateHigh SchoolActive nonfederalNE R&D 22 Students Students CRADAs in FY-18 $164'