b'O V E R V I E W O F T H E L A B O R A T O R Y P L A N 2 0 1 9S C I E N T I F I C E X C E L L E N C EI NLs five science and technology (S&T)partnerships, INLs RD&D effectively addresses initiatives drive its vision to changeidentified challenges and develops solutions the future of energy and improvethat can be successfully deployed.the security and resilience of criticalInternational stature is essential to infrastructure. The initiatives boost INLsexert global influence for the future of robust scientific and technical capabilitiesnuclear energy and to ensure the nations and reinforce existing energy and securitysustained leadership in safe nuclear power. leadership roles, simultaneously paving theINL continues effective international way to create new ones. With the abilityengagement and is enhancing its of these initiatives to provide DOE withinternationally recognized leadershipnational- and international-scale solutionsin key technical areas.for energy and security, INL leverages its competitive edge as an applied energy laboratory with unique test bed capabilities to develop, test, demonstrate, and enable deployment of advanced energy and energy security concepts.1938TheseinitiativespropelacompellingfutureforU.S.Nuclear Fission 1951competitiveness in nuclear energy, defined by a path starting withadvancednuclearreactortechnologiesenabledby1954 Experimental Breeder improved fuel cycle elements that are safe and secure.Reactor-I (EBR-1)Revolutionary improvements inFirst Nuclear Submarine USS Nautilus 1959materials and manufacturing under1963 TREATextreme environments actualize the entire system. An essential element ofExperimental Breeder Reactor-II1967achieving this future is the integration(EBR-II) went criticalof energy systemsenergy systems thatAdvanced Test Reactor (ATR) criticalintegrate the baseload power of nuclear1972energy with intermittent renewables1973and repurpose heat and electricity from existing reactors for direct use and toPower Burst Facility (PBF)support industrial processes such as1986 Loss of Fluid Test Reactor (LOFT)hydrogen generation. Inherent resilience and security, within physical and cyberEBR-II demonstrates 2000domains, of energy systems are theinherent reactor safetycornerstones of existing and future Multi-Application Small Light energy systems and must be embedded2005 Water Reactorwithin the design and implementation ofNamed DOEs lead lab for2007technologies, processes, and systems. Strategic partnerships and collaborationsnuclear energy RD&DNuclear Science User Facilitiesare required drivers for the success of this2015suite of initiatives. Two well-established university consortiaCenter for AdvancedAnnounced as integrator for Energy Studies (CAES) and INLs NUC DOEs Gateway for Accelerated expand INLs innovative collaborativeInnovation in Nuclear (GAIN) research as well as strategic talentinitiativepipelines for the Laboratory. INL is also establishing significant partnerships with2019eminent universities that have strengths well-aligned with INLs mission areas.6 Through its industry and federalDesignated lead for NRIC Advanced Reactors Versatile Test Reactor (VTR)'