b'O V E R V I E W O F T H E L A B O R A T O R Y P L A N 2 0 1 9NUCLEAR REAC TOR SUSTAINMENT AND EXPANDED DEPLOYMENTU .S. industries and innovatorsAs DOEs nuclear energy laboratory, INL are among a growing numberemphasizes technological and operational of competitors engaged in aadvances, national and international global market projected to be $2.5partnerships, and the infrastructure trillion over the next two decades. Thisnecessary to advance U.S. competitiveness shift in the competitive global-nuclear- and leadership in existing and developing energy landscape is occurring at a timenuclear technology markets. when the U.S. domestic nuclear power industry is significantly challenged. TheINL leads and performs RD&D of advanced technologies that technological and competitive positionsenableindustrytosustainthecurrentfleetanddevelopan gained or lost in the next five years willadvanced reactor pipeline for future deployments. likely define the market landscape for the coming decades. 8'