b"S T R AT E G I C P L A N4) Address materials and infrastructure needs. Develop andacademia that enhance the partner's and INLs ability to provide physical assets as defined by new fuels and reactorinnovate by leveraging Nuclear Science User Facilities needs, particularly HALEU. Develop and deploy fuel- (NSUF) and GAIN, building on the international outreach feedstock materials and processes and fuel fabrication assets. and collaboration model, and leveraging business models 5)Provide fuel processing and storage assets. Develop andassociated with NRIC. NS&T also will strengthen manage nuclear fuel separations, waste storage management,strategically important national lab partnerships in synergy and other fuels and materials science assets to enablewith industry and academic efforts.materials disposition as well as provide new materials for2) Strengthen and Extend GAINadvanced systems development. Expand and improve access to financial support opportunities 6) Provide systems demonstration assets. Developand national laboratory capabilities (facilities, expertise, systems demonstration and testing assets, including heatexperience, and tools) to accelerate commercialization of management, grid integration, reactor, and reactor-systeminnovations. Modernize contracting processes to significantly dynamics test bed and site characterization. reduce the time required to establish agreements and better support private sector needs. Work with industry Key Outcome 3.3: to identify gaps, gather needs, and develop viable paths Enable Industry and Academic Innovationforward to remove barriers for industry and inform DOE Through Access to Capability and Partnershipresearch programs; support continued development of a Development regulatory framework for advanced reactor technologies and provide advanced nuclear industry entities access to legacy information to support their R&D and technology Target challenges: commercialization efforts; and ensure the advanced nuclear 1) Strategic partnerships. NS&T will identify, develop,technology industry (all stakeholders) is informed about and strengthen strategic partnerships in industry andopportunities and capabilities available throughout the DOE complex. Image: Idaho National Laboratory25"