b'S T R AT E G I C P L A NGoal 4Expand Impact Across Markets Expanding the market for key directorate competencies and capabilities helps strengthen and stabilize the financial and T he NS&T directorate stewards key national assetsintellectual base of the organization, provides leverage to add and capabilities that, when combined, provide coreexpanded capabilities, may provide excellent recognition for competencies of national importance. Many of thethe institution, and helps develop broader, higher-impact capabilities and competencies, including materials science,partnerships. Therefore, the focused, strategic expansion of digital sciences, advanced multiscale, multidomain modelingthe NS&T customer base is a key element of the directorates and simulation, risk and reliability research, and systemsnational responsibility.design and analyses, are powerful enablers of non-nuclearThe NS&T directorate, using a formal business development systems research, operations, and design, and for nuclearframework, will coordinate with INL marketing leads to defense and nuclear nonproliferation applications. Theidentify target markets, integrate with broader laboratory latter market is particularly well aligned with INL corecapabilities, and deploy key competencies across varied competencies and, working closely with other INLmarkets. directorates, will be an emphasis for NS&T impact. NS&T will identify where, other than our core nuclear energyTo these ends, the focus of diversification is twofold: applications missions, directorate strengths could serve toApply NS&T capabilities for national nuclear security and advance U.S. interests in these broad markets. nonproliferation applications, and apply NS&T capabilities across a variety of broader defense and nondefense markets.Key Outcome 4.1: Enhance National Nuclear Securityand Nonproliferation InterestsTarget challenges:1) Nuclear and radiological detection and forensics. Leverage nuclear fuel cycle competencies and capabilities, particularly trace detection, separations science, and nuclear systems and process modeling and simulations to become a national go-to laboratory for nuclear fuel cycle and reactor design, radiological forensics, and proliferation detection. 2) Specialty analyses. Leverage nuclear fuel cycle capabilities and competencies to provide expert analyses of fuel cycle and reactor capabilities, informing emergency responders, the intelligence community, and other stakeholders in regard to technology attributes and issues. 3) Nonproliferation stewardship and analyses. Leverage systems analysis, modeling, and simulation to assess and quantify proliferation aspects of present and next generation nuclear systems. 27'