b'S T R AT E G I C P L A NThis plan provides a vision to lead and realize a paradigmIndividual division strategies and planning bases will provide shift in U.S. leadership in nuclear energy for the future. Thisthe next level of granularity necessary for meeting the goals future will be realized through our efforts in developingoutlined in this plan. The foundations and targets put forth and demonstrating new nuclear materials, concepts, andin this plan will be used to guide investment strategies, technologiesestablishing a new legacy of nuclear energy- priorities and approaches; to guide coordination and leverage related accomplishments and impacts that will shape the nextacross directorates; and to gauge progress in meeting impact 50 years and beyond while serving a unique role as a nationalobjectives for both mid- and long-term time frames. The plan strategic asset broadly. will be updated annually.PURPOSEThe purpose of this plan is to: From Vannevar Bush to President Roosevelt, in Provide strategic reference, objective targets for researcha July 1945 letter of transmittal of his report, impact, and an implementation framework for theScience, The Endless Frontier, which helped Nuclear Science and Technology (NS&T) directorate toshape the national basic and applied research substantively impact U.S. competitiveness and security. programs of today.Identify key aspects of the organizational philosophy and approach that will provide a foundation to create a high- The pioneer spirit is still vigorous within this nation.performance directorate for the future. Science offers a largely unexplored hinterland Provide NS&T staff a clear understanding of whyfor the pioneer who has the tools for his task. The their work is important, what the role of the nationalrewards of such exploration both for the Nation laboratory is in a changing nuclear science and technology market, and how we will have impact on a national andand the individual are great. Scientific progress is global level through game-changing innovation andone essential key to our security as a nation, to our infrastructure stewardship.better health, to more jobs, to a higher standard of The goals put forth in this plan are consistent with the INLliving, and to our cultural progress.Laboratory Plan and Laboratory Agenda, while providing appropriate granularity not included in those plans. Image: NuScale1949 1952 1964 1972 Current Current Current Future Future FutureExperimental BreederMaterials Test ReactorExperimental BreederPower Burst Facility (PBF)Advanced Test ReactorTransient Reactor Test FacilityNeutron Radiography ReactorMicroreactor Small Modular Reactor Versatile Test ReactorReactor-I (EBR-I)(MTR) 1952 -1970 Reactor-II (EBR-II) 1972 -1985 (ATR) 1967 - Current (TREAT) 1959-1994 (NRAD)2023 (SMR)(VTR) 1949 -1970 1964 -1994 2017 - Current 1975 - Current 2026 20263'