b'MENTORINGGOOD EXPERIENCES ARE GOOD BUSINESSSMentoring has been identifiedthe workforce understand thewhat is needed for an impactful as a labwide tool needed forimportance of good mentoring,mentoring relationship, the growth and retention of INLsthe needs of a mentee, and theimportance of communication most important resource roles and responsibilities of aand how to establish trust. our employees. 2018 markedmentor. In the last two years, the third year UP offeredUniversity Partnerships has mentoring workshops to INLsoffered 13 mentor workshops to employee population. Thisover 250 INL participants.year, the workshops added newMENTOR WORKSHOPS In addition to offering mentor sections on how to enhanceworkshops to INL employees,AND THE IMPORTANCE working relationships across University Partnerships also the generations and the valuepresented at the East IdahoOF MENTORING WILL of inclusion, particularly in a multicultural environment. TheChapter of Project ManagementCONTINUE TO BE A format allows participants toInstitutes Professional share their experiences andDevelopment Day. There wereFOCUS IN 2019.leverage real-life cases asapproximately 100 participants learning and discussion tools.who attended the workshop These workshops have helpedand given tools to help identify 2018 Annual Report| 13'