b'UNIVERSITY PARTNERSHIPS PROGRAMS ENABLE INL TO BRING SEVERAL DISTINGUISHED RESEARCHERS AND SCIENTISTS TO THE LAB TO PARTICIPATEIN VITAL PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS.INTERNATIONAL RESEARCHERSThe Department of EnergysThe Visitor Program is incrediblyInterest in the International Exchange Visitor Program, invaluable to INLs scientificResearcher Program has continued which INL takes part, providescommunity; it encouragesto increase. To help visiting international researcherslooking at research from diverseresearchers feel more welcome, opportunities to collaborate withperspectives and fostersrepresentatives from University INL researchers and scientists. collaboration with internationalPartnerships meet individually researchers, thereby providing awith each upon their arrival at INL, By sharing ideas and researchcross-cultural exchange whichproviding information about the lab and having access to authorizedinspires creativity. and community activities. Likewise, INL facilities, internationalexit interviews are conducted to researchers are able to takeIn 2018, INL welcomedgain information about what can full advantage of the labsinternational researchers frombe done to improve the program. resources. By participating in athe following places:cultural exchange in the UnitedINLs Multiculturals in Leadership States, they can then shareChina: 3, Beijing ResearchCouncil has continued to advocate their experiences with friends,Institute of Uranium Geology for international researchers families and colleagues whenEngland:1, University ofby addressing practices and they return home, helping furtherManchester factors that impede inclusion. the U.S. State DepartmentsThe Leadership Council also foreign policy objectives. Germany: 1, Deutschesencourages all employees to Biomasseforschungszentrum use the INL CultureWizard, an DOEs Visitor Program sponsorsinteractive online learning tool visitors on J-1 Visas in theseJapan: 2, Japan Atomic Energydesigned to enhance cross-categories: Agency (JAEA) cultural communication, Government visitor SouthKorea: 6, Korean Atomiccollaboration and interaction.Specialists Energy Research Institute (KAERI)Short-term scholarsResearch scholars2018 Annual Report| 33'