b'A Guide for Authors of Software2017Including Third Party Assets Such asOpen Source and Subcontracted WorkCan authors integrate software or other2) Can the use of such assets be tracked and fully disclosed assets that were not developed at INL? when the SDR is submitted or a third party performs due diligence to validate ownership of the assets? This includes Yes. In fact, TD encourages the use of non-INL software assetssoftware, images, fonts, video, audio, animations, models, etc.when it reduces costs, improves quality, and does not interfereIt is important to ensure that the license attached to the third with the deployment strategy. However, in doing so, there mustparty assets being used supports the deployment strategy. be consideration of the following: As a result, the deployment strategy must be chosen and 1) Are the rights granted by the original authors/owners/ understood prior to incorporating third party assets. Authors subcontractor compatible with INLs intended use andshould contact TDs software experts to help determine the deployment strategy of the software? deployment strategy and compatible third party licenses during the planning phase of development or when evaluating the incorporation of a new asset.7'