b'Nuclear Science User Facilities Lingfeng He, an instrumentation scientistScientific andof this funding is to enhance instru-at IMCL, receives some funding toment capability and develop scientific enhance instrument capability andInstrumentation continue to hone his scientific expertise. Expertise expertise. One of those instrument scientists, One of the benefits NSUF researchersLingfeng He, enjoys working with get when working on an NSUFusers to develop proposals and assist project is the access to scientific andwith their material characteriza-instrumentation expertise. If NSUFtion. I like to work with the users, PIs are having work done at anyespecially students, He said. By of INLs facilities, NSUF providesproviding this funding to instrument funding for several INL instrumentscientists like He, NSUF ensures that scientists working on electron beam,NSUF users have access to the latest X-ray and chemical and thermalcapabilities and knowledge for the analysis instrumentation. The goalcharacterization of their materials. Nuclear Fuels and Materials LibraryThe Nuclear Fuels and Materialslibrary and the database that houses Library (NFML) is an archive ofall the librarys information is Kelly material specimens from past andCunningham, NFML Coordinator. ongoing irradiation test campaignsIn order to add new specimens, and from real-world componentsKelly works with the owner of the retrieved from decommissionedspecimens to gather and verify all Kelly Cunningham power reactors. The contents ofnecessary provenance before the Nuclear Fuels and Materialsthe NFML grow each year and aresamples are added to the library. In Library Coordinatoravailable to NSUF users to study.FY-19, NSUF added 175 samples to Managing the collection of thisthe library.20'