b'2019 | ANNUAL REPORTThrough the NFML, users can examine previouslyirradiated fuels and materials saving time and money.For example, reflector materials thatAs a result of the creation of NFML, surrounded the core of EBR-II werethe process of obtaining materials placed inside of the reactor in thehas been streamlined. Interested late 11960s and werent removed forparties access the library via NSUFs over 20 years. Instead of having towebsite, find the individual sample reproduce the variables and condi- theyd like to research and submit a tions they were stored in and havingproposal for approval. If a specific them incubate for several years,material isnt available through these materials are available throughNFML, or one theyd like to add to the NFML.the librarys collection, researchers Previously, researchers interested incan submit their suggestions studying materials used in experi- through a Request For Information mental and commercial reactorsavailable through the site. The NSUF would have to track down individualrequests information and/or sugges-samples housed in different nationaltions on the potential additions to laboratories around the nation,the NFML that can be produced which is a lengthy and laboriousthrough further irradiation tests.operation in itself. 23'