2016 | ANNUAL REPORT 53 Distributed Partnership at a Glance NSUF and Partners Facilities and Capabilities Idaho National Laboratory Electron Microscopy Laboratory University of California, Berkeley Nuclear Materials Laboratory Collaborators Canadian Nuclear Laboratories Colin Judge (Collaborator) Kinectrics Inc. Steven Xu (Collaborator) Queen’s University Malcolm Griffiths (Collaborator) University of California, Berkeley Peter Hosemann (principal investigator), Cameron Howard (Co-Principal Investigator), Steven Scott Parker (Collaborator) Access to the MFC facility has provided unprecedented capabilities for large-scale work on in-service nuclear structural materials — Cameron Howard, Ph.D.Researcher,Department of Nuclear Engineering,Nuclear Materials Group,University of California,Berkeley and applied by Cameron Howard and Steven Scott Parker to components irradiated at 180 and 300°C in service for approximately 14 and 19 equivalent-full-power years as well as to non-irradiated control specimens. This work was performed in the FEI Quanta Dual Beam SEM/FIB in the University of California, Berkeley nuclear materials laboratory. In addi- tion, investigations of pre-existing cold‑work effects created during spring coil production and how these may change over the course of in-service time and irradiation temperature, as suggested by Malcolm Griffiths and Steven Xu, were performed for samples of all irra- diation conditions by extracting and testing material from both the edge and center regions of the spacers. Future Activities A manuscript for the Journal of Nuclear Materials has been drafted with the intention of submission and publication in the near future on the novel in-situ three-point bending technique and the results found for these core components. Newly developed push-to-pull tensile testing to assess the grain boundary strengths of these components remains ongoing and will serve as the remainder of the Ph. D. thesis for Cameron Howard. Publications [1.] C. Howard, et al., “Mechanical Characterization of In Service Inconel X-750 Annulus Spacers,” 146th Annual Meeting of the Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society, February 2017. *See additional publications from other years in the Media Library on the NSUF website.