b'2020 - 2025Key Outcome 1.3:advance production and efficiency to meet the long-term Expand Revenueproduction goals of this technology for the commercial nuclear fleet.Target challenges: 3) Identify revenue options. Develop and deploy systems 1) Enhance revenue model. Provide technical leadership toanalysis tools and techniques to quantify and assess the enable more flexible and economically competitive operationseconomic and operational performance, safety bases, and of large reactors within a dynamic power production andenvironmental impacts associated with nuclear energy load environment, including enabling industrial processdeployment options and technologies, particularly to allow integration, grid-scale energy storage techniques, andnew deployments and properly value the existing fleet.nonelectric power production applications to expand the market for nuclear generation.Key Outcome 1.4: 2) Conduct demonstrations. Working with owner- Ensure Effective, Efficient, and Deployableoperators and the first movers of the existing fleet, conductWaste Management Optionsdemonstrations of integrated energy systems at operating commercial nuclear power plants to produce nonelectricTarget challenges:products for use in new markets. Address the engineering,1) Interim storage solutions. Develop, validate, and deploy safety, regulatory, and market-based issues needed to supportcomputational and measurement methodologies to assess, demonstrations of hydrogen electrolysis and continue themonitor, and ensure the safety of nuclear fuel transportation scale-up from electrical systems to thermal systems toand storage systems; provide management strategy options 16'