b'S T R AT E G I C P L A NAs the directorate that provides principal leadership of nationalNew Path for American Nuclear nuclear science and technology research, development, andTechnology Competitivenessdemonstration (RD&D) assets, NS&T engages with a sense ofEmerging civilian and military demand for small urgency in creating a new American future in applied nuclear science and technology suitable for global markets, just as ournuclear power systems, and corresponding support predecessors created the offerings that dominate todays markets.for reactor demonstrations.We also believe it is essential to this outcome that we create anExpanding global nuclear energy and technology organization that fosters the innovation, creativity, and culture of excellence required to lead the nations nuclear science andmarkets.technology enterprise into a future of increased global competition. Technology revolutions in materials and embedded This plan provides a framework to achieve these aims. intelligence driving industrial paradigm shifts.Climate change shaping the future of the energyeconomy.Our Strategic Intent: Enable Nuclear Energy Sustainment and Expanded Deployment and Advance Integrated Fuel Cycle Solutions L ead and enable the development of technology that shapes the next 50 years of U.S. leadership andcompetitiveness in global nuclear energy markets by seeking disruptive technology approaches, and steward national strategic assets to enable innovation and ensure global nuclear and radiological security.5'