Nuclear Science User Facilities 110 products that migrated radially. Present data confirmed that formation of the JOG occurs already at intermediate burnup, as indicated in Figure 5. The FCCI includes metallic precipi- tates (white particles in Figure 5) that could be either metallic fission products or cladding components. In addition, metallic rivers [13] are observed along fuel cracks.Advanced PIE such as scanning electron micros- copy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy are foreseen to deter- mine the chemical composition of the observed phases. PIE results on four pins with advanced annular MOX and HT-9 cladding have been gathered.The non-destructive examination did not reveal anomalous behavior of the pins and are in line with previous investi- gations on similar pins. Regarding the destructive tests, a major accomplishment has been obtained by implementing a new sample-preparation methodology, which considerably improved the quality of the samples. In particular, the JOG and FCCI have been preserved for the first time in FFTF annular MOX fuels.While the JOG and the FCCI have been extensively characterized at very high burnup [8], less it is known about the composition and struc- ture of these phases at intermediate burnup.The present data will allow the characterization of the FCCI at intermediate burnup and comparison with published literature. Publications [1.] OECD Nuclear Energy Agency, Technology Roadmap Update for Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems, 2014. [2.] K.Aoto, P. Dufour,Y. Hongyi, J.P. Glatz,Y. Kim,Y.Ashurko, R. Hill, N. Uto, Prog. Nucl. Energy 77 (2014) 247–265. [3.] Y. Guerin, in:, Compr. Nucl. Ma- ter., Elsevier, 2012, pp. 547–578. [4.] N.E.Todreas, M.S. Kazimi, in:, Taylor & Francis, 1990, p. 317. [5.] J. Perez-Carter, N.J. Graves, B.C. Gneiting, Irradiation History Report for Advanced Oxide Fuel Assembly FO-2, 1993. [6.] L.L. Gilpin, R.B. Baker, S.A. Chas- tain, in:,ANS Annu. Meet. 1989, Atlanta, 1989. Regarding the destructive tests,a major accomplishment has been obtained by implementing a new sample- preparation methodology, which considerably improved the quality of the samples.