2018 | ANNUAL REPORT 121 Figure 1. Cutaway illustration of the BR2 reactor. The hyperboloidal arrangement of the 79 channels provides a closely arranged core while retaining a large working space on the extremities. This feature is exceptional for the insertion of complex and instrumented vehicles [5]. effects approach to isolate alloy composition, irradiation temperature, burnup, and power.This investigation is termed the Disc Irradiation for Separate EffectsTesting with Control ofTemperature (DISECT) project.The research involves a collaborative effort with the Studiecentrum voor Kern- energie, Centre d'Étude de l'énergie Nucléaire (SCK • CEN) in Mol, Belgium and the Nuclear Science User Facilities (NSUF) utilizing capabilities at Idaho National Laboratory, Purdue University, and the Belgian Nuclear Research Center. In order to improve the mechanistic understanding of fuel behavior and performance.This international collaboration will be a first-of-a-kind NSUF experiment that will conduct irradiations in the Belgian Reactor 2 (BR2), located at SCK • CEN and shown in Figure 1, that have been designed, fabricated, and characterized at U.S. facilities (i.e., INL and Purdue University). Project Description The DISECT project includes the design and fabrication of a uniquely instrumented, separate effects testing vehicle; specimen fabrication and pre-characterization; irradiation; and post-irradiation examination